SawMaster Metals TPI Chart

Metals TPI Chart

Metals TPI Chart:

View Carbon TPI Chart Here

View Bimetal TPI Chart Here

Metals TPI chart : When it comes to cutting metals, always remember that Carbon Bandsaw Blades should only be used for soft metals as listed below:

  • Aluminium
  • Brass
  • Bronze
  • nickel
  • Tin
  • Copper
  • Mild Steel

Metals TPI chart : Cutting various soft metals necessitates distinct TPI selections, introducing complexity due to numerous variables. For instance, employing a 3 or 4 TPI carbon bandsaw blade for most of the listed metals below 2 inches or 50mm thickness would lead to coarse cutting, resulting in snagging, bouncing, and vibrations. Consider a 2-inch or 50mm thick mild steel round solid bar where a 4 TPI minimum might be appropriate for a quicker rough cut, though even a 6 TPI is recommended for improved performance. Transitioning to a finer carbon cut, a 14 TPI can be used, with an 18 TPI approaching the maximum advisable TPI. Excessive teeth, such as a 24 TPI for thick material, can prematurely wear tooth tips.

Metals TPI chart :Bi-metal bandsaw blades can effectively cut the materials mentioned earlier. However, their exceptional versatility extends to both soft and harder metals. We will provide examples of these harder metals below:

  • Stainless steel
  • Cast iron
  • Tool Steel

In the realm of bi-metal bandsaw blades, you encounter two distinct choices in tooth pitches, namely constant pitch and variable pitch.

Constant pitch maintains uniform tooth spacing throughout each inch of the blade. For instance, a 4 TPI indicates that there are 4 teeth per inch of the blade.

In contrast, variable pitch presents varying tooth pitches on the same blade, exemplified by a 10/14 variable TPI, which encompasses both 10 TPI and 14 TPI. Some favour this option due to its capacity to reduce vibrations during cutting and its versatility for diverse cutting tasks.